An Anthology on Failure, Vol. 2: Building on Our Failed States Ed by Be Oakley

Genderfail: An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on Our Failed States
Ed by Be Oakley with  Anonymous, Art + Feminism, Lily Her-Foundation of Cue Art Foundation, Decolonize This Place, The H. I. V. Howler NYC Low-Income Artist + Freelancer Relief Fund, Quaranzine, Queer.Archive.Work, Thank God for Abortion, and W. A. G. E
Designed by Be Oakley
1st edition of 300
November 2020
Risograph printed 
168 pages



Genderfail: An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on our Failed States started in January 2019 and was paused many times due to the strain on mental and physical energy after its many failures of coming into being. As a one-person team, there are limits to what I can do. In March 2020, during the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, with much of the world on shutdown, this project is more necessary than ever. I see many friends in the arts and the service industry, as well as freelance and gig economies, losing their work. Many projects, like GenderFail, are scrambling to find ways to make money and survive during this moment. All I can see is the failure of our governments and institutions and the drastic need for people to care for and support each other.

In Genderfail: An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on our Failed States, we invited Anonymous, Art + Feminism, Lily Her-Foundation of Cue Art Foundation, Decolonize This Place, The H. I. V. Howler NYC Low-Income Artist + Freelancer Relief Fund, Quaranzine, Queer.Archive.Work, Thank God for Abortion, and W. A. G. E to hear from various projects that existed before 2020 and also projects that were created as a response to the pandemic. During these times of crisis, I want to chronicle the efforts of those in different times of crisis, how they responded, and how they kept a sense of community.