GenderFail, An Anthology of Failure Vol 1 Ed by Be Oakley

GenderFail, An Anthology on Failure Vol. 1
Ed by Be Oakley with  Manuel Arturo Abreu, American Artist, Sasha Costanza -Chock, Demian DinéYazhi, Johanna Hedva, Nicole Killian, Andrea Liu, Nate Pyper, Sable Elyse Smith, Alok Vaid-Menon and  Augustine Zegers
Designed by Be Oakley
1st edition of 300
October 2018
Risograph printed at Wendy’s Subway
163 pages



GenderFail: An Anthology On Failure is the first in a series of publications that look into various concepts of failure from the perspectives of artists, activists, writers, and curators. The failures discussed in this publication come from multiple personal, political, institutional, and collective sources. Each participant was invited to contribute a work surrounding failure, especially concerning their own experiences, to expand upon topics of ableism, mental health, passing, whiteness, colonization, police brutality, and other illustrations of failure put onto us by the dominant culture. This resulting collection might fail to articulate a cohesive interpretation of something as complex as a failure. Still, it will incite a collective consciousness that is as messy as it is thought-provoking.