Queering the Collection Ed by Be Oakley, Christopher Clary, Patricia Silva, Emily Dunne.

Queering the Collection
Ed by Be Oakley,  Christopher Clary, Patricia Silva, Emily Dunne with Nora Kahn, Allison Parrish and Shiv Kotecha.
Designed by Be Oakley
1st edition of 200
March 2019
Risograph printed 
132 pages



Queering the Collection—a publication edited by former ICP Librarian and Archivist Emily Dunne, Be Oakley, Patricia Silva, and Christopher Clary.  Throughout 2018, the ICP Library, in collaboration with GenderFail, collectively produced more than six in-house library installations and events considering representation in libraries. The success of this initiative increased the ICP Library’s holdings of queer, gender non-binary image-makers and artists of color.

To celebrate the enriching dynamics of Queering the Collection and further bridge the gap between representation and collecting, the ICP Library collaborated with Be Oakley of GenderFail, along with Christopher Clary, Patricia Silva, and many other participating artists, curators, and bookmakers, to highlight these projects in a Queering the Collection.

The Queering the Collection publication features an introduction by Paul Soulellis, founder of Library of the Printed Web, interviews with participating artists and image-makers, photographs, and in-depth accounts of the events. Queering the Collection is designed and printed by GenderFail.

Queering the Collection is a series of exhibitions and events originally conceived by Emily Dunne of the ICP Library and Be Oakley of GenderFail as an intervention in the library. GenderFail is a publishing and programming initiative featuring the perspectives of queer and trans people and people of color. The project looks to build up, reinforce, and open opportunities for creative projects. ICP Library hopes to present work outside the collection as a way to excavate and acquire new material and expand the voices of artists in the collection.